The Software Warehouse is one of the earliest pioneers of creating symbolic mathematical software designed to run on the first workstation computers. SoftwareWarehouse是创建旨在运行于早期工作站计算机上的数学软件的最早先行者之一。
The expression of aspheric surface is obtained by solving numerically equations based on law of conservation of energy and refraction law by mathematical software. 根据光束传输的能量分配守恒法则和折射定律建立方程组,通过数学软件数值求解方程组,解得非球面矢高表达式。
The Function of Mathematical Software in Advanced Mathematics Teaching 论数学软件在高等数学教学中的作用
Applications on Teaching Calculous by Using Mathematical Software; The Comparison of Senior Middle School Math Textbook between China and Foreign Countries Calculus Part; 数学软件在微积分教学中的几点应用中外高中数学教材比较(微积分部分)
The employment of mathematical software in the teaching of mathematics experiments in higher vocational education 数学软件在高职数学实验课中的应用
To Study Geometric Inequality Using Mathematical Software 用数学软件研究几何不等式
Origin 6.0 is a mathematical software system and is widely used for various purposes such as data analysis and management, two and three dimensional function and scatter data plotting, and program development in scientific research and engineering design. Origin6.0作为一个数学软件平台,集数据管理与分析、二维及三维函数和离散数据绘图、程序开发等多功能于一体,广泛用于科学研究和工程计算。
Computer mathematical experimentation technology is applied in pressure hydraulic. The non-linear mathematical model of stage mechanical control system is established by the application of computer mathematical software Maple. The computational results agree with experimental data, and precision is satisfied. 采用计算机数学实验技术,并利用计算机数学软件Maple,建立了舞台机械升降控制系统的非线性数学模型,求解结果和实际测得的数据相符,满足控制精度。
A study is made of the routing subproblem in this paper, and the algorithm is evaluated in simulations by the mathematical software Matlab. 本文主要研究WDM光网络中的路由问题,并利用数学软件Matlab进行仿真,对算法性能加以评价。
Based on teaching practice of higher algebra and space analytic geometry, by using mathematical software Maple V, the students 'ability to analyse and solve problems was nurtured gradually. 本文基于高等代数与空间解析几何的教学实践活动,应用数学软件MapleV,逐步培养学生运用几何与代数相结合的方法分析问题和解决问题的能力。
The paper introduces the process of transplanting the STYR data-base mathematical software to the DUAL-83/ 80 computer. 本文介绍了数学软件STYR库移植到DUAL-83/80机上实现过程。
All algorithms are programmed under the development environment of MATLAB, which is a kind of mathematical software. 本文的算法均采用MATLAB数学软件编写程序实现;
On the base of a great deal of statistics and the mathematical software MATLAB, the method of multivariate linear regression analysis is used to deduce the relevant equations between element analysis and industry analysis of coal. 在综合分析大量文献资料的基础上,采用多元线性回归方法,利用MATLAB对大量煤质分析结果进行了回归分析,推导出了煤质元素分析与工业分析的关联方程组。
Finally, the planar graphs of the traveling wave equation are simulated by using mathematical software MAPLE. 最后用数学软件Maple对行波方程进行数值模拟,得到纽结波的平面模拟图。
The Mathematic is a sort of famous mathematical software, with a unique advantage in calculation. Mathematic是著名的数学软件,在计算方面有其独特的优势。
Flow fields were simulated by mathematical software between two corrugated plates in a chevron-type plate heat exchanger. 应用数值计算软件对人字形波纹板式换热器内板片间的流场进行了模拟。
By using mathematical software Matlab and Pro/ E, calculation of cross section curves and simulation of intermeshing behavior have been executed. 借助Matlab和Pro/E软件,对设计的螺纹元件端面曲线进行计算分析和3D模型啮合运动模拟。
With the help of MATLAB mathematical software under WINDOWS, ASPS-CO simulation system was developed. 应用MATLAB数学软件,在WINDOWS操作平台上开发出模拟系统。
The Application of Mathematical Software MATLAB in the Teaching of Higher Algebra and Space Analytic Geometry MATLAB在高等代数与空间解析几何教学中的应用
This example given in this article adopts the method of curve fitting for calculation of water tower flow with mathematical software MATLAB. So the results are basically correspondent with the fact records. 文章采用曲线拟合的方法,并利用数学软件MATLAB对水塔流量进行计算,计算结果与实际记录基本吻合。
MATLAB is a famous mathematical software and it can integrate math calculating, image processing and program designing. MATLAB是集数学、图形处理和程序语言设计于一体的著名数学软件。
Programming with mathematical software Matlab, this paper calculates and analysis the changeable discipline of foundation and beam stiffness, and analysis the applicability of several improved lattice beam calculation methods. 用数学软件Matlab编程,计算分析了在梁刚度变化和地基刚度变化时受力的变化规律,并计算分析几种格构梁改进计算方法的适用性。
As in all areas of TDLAS gas detection technology demand increase gradually, Such as mathematical software Matlab is used to realize the simulation of TDLAS technology has become a new research field. 随着各领域对TDLAS气体检测技术的需求逐渐增加,利用Matlab等数学软件来实现对TDLAS技术的模拟己经成为一个崭新的科研领域。
Using mathematical software such as Excel, SPSS, Matlab, etc., we carry out the tendency analysis for the statistical data and establish the corresponding regressive equation. 采用Excel、SPSS、Matlab等数学软件对统计数据进行了趋势分析,建立了相应的回归方程。
For these two issues, the mathematical models of bacterial proliferation and bacterial detection in milk are established, through the mechanism analysis and data and with the mathematical software of MATLAB. 本文针对这两个问题,通过机理分析并结合数据资料,借助数学软件MATLAB,建立了牛奶中细菌增殖和用于细菌检测的数学模型。
In this paper, Matlab mathematical software is used to draw the probability density function of risk distribution. The model is verified to be scientific, reliable and operable. 本文通过Matlab数学软件画出风险元分布的概率密度函数图,并通过实例验证了企业信用链风险传递理论模型的科学性、可靠性和实用性。
The result is of great value in engineering application. First, based on theory of powertrain mount system, model of the system is made by two ways: writing program by mathematical software MATLAB and modeling by mechanical system dynamics analysis software ADAMS. 首先,在对动力总成悬置系统研究的理论基础上,通过用数学软件MATLAB编写程序与机械系统动力学分析软件ADAMS建模两种方式,对悬置系统进行仿真计算,验证模型的准确性。
Now MATLAB is the most powerful mathematical software. MATLAB是现在功能非常强大的数学计算软件。
Then we use the mathematical software MAPLE in the formula programming algorithm. 然后用数学软件MAPLE对推到出的公式进行编程实现算法。